A bouquet of beautiful fresh pink scented lilies with a selection of greenery, very popular and long lasting. Beautifully wrapped in natural brown paper and ready to pop into a vase. Add a box of Bennetts Chocolates to make your gift extra special.
Large size pictured $100
Small $60
Medium $75
Large $100
Deluxe $120
Extravagant $150
7 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Great service
Birthday Lillies
A beautiful bunch of lillies, great value for money and delivery went smoothly. Ngā mihi nui!
White Lilies
Amazing! Such beautiful flowers, arrived same day and so quickly :))
Just what I was hopeing for
Excellent made her day
Thank you for sending these flowers to my aunt in Dunedin! She loved her flowers and send me a photo! beautiful layout!
Eco friendly white lilies
Gorgeous boutique
Eco Friendly Whit Lilies
Great service and delivery!