Can't decide?
But know you want a pink and white bouquet.
The Pinks and White Florists Choice Bouquet is the perfect choice for you!
You decide the size and our team of experienced florists will choose a selection of pink and white flowers for your Pinks and White Florists Choice Bouquet especially for you.
Make your gift extra special by ordering a box of yummy Bennetts of Mangawhai Chocolates.
Small $65
Medium $85
Large $100
Deluxe $150
Extravagant $200
15 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Perfect gift
I was incredibly impressed at the speed,& quality, at which I got the bouquet I ordered! Will definitely be returning in the future!
Gorgeous flowers
A lovely Graduation bouquet, easy pick up, great service, and lots of compliments about the flowers from other participants. They survived the procession, ceremony, photos and Dunedin windy weather, and now have pride of place on the table.
Efficient service and beautiful flowers, appreciated by receiver.
as above
Gorgeous flowers
Great flowers and very easy process to get them! Loved them ?
Excellent service. Online order and next day delivery. Highly recommended ?
Pink and white bouquet
So beautiful!
Excellent service. Would totally recommend. Broad range of flowers to choose from, reasonable prices, and fast delivery.
Small pinks and whites
The receiver was thrilled with the bouquet. Thank you
Love them! Such a gorgeous bouquet - girlfriend was very pleased. Thank you so much!